Kodiak 40 Minute 52 Long Gun Safe

Thick 2.50 mm steel composite door and body. Single hardened steel plate protects the lock from drill attacks. Spring loaded re-locker keeps safe secure if lock is tampered with or removed. Holds up to 52 long guns. Deluxe door organizer standard for more storage options. Plush adjustable shelving and interior walls. 3-spoke vault style handle.

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A full 40 minutes of protection at 1400°F. Fireboard protection in the ceiling, walls, floor, and door. Heat activated door seal expands up to 7 times its size which seals the door edge to help keep out heat and smoke. Thick 2.50 mm steel composite door and body. Single hardened steel plate protects the lock from drill attacks. Spring loaded re-locker keeps safe secure if lock is tampered with or removed. Holds up to 52 long guns. Deluxe door organizer standard for more storage options. Plush adjustable shelving and interior walls.