3 Gal. Little Giant Plastic Waterer

Waterer with built-in handle for easy portability.

3 Point Bale Mover

2,000 lb. capacity.

3.5 Gal. Miller Hen Hydrator

Translucent plastic allows view of water level, color provides UV protection to prevent algae growth. Lid fits tightly to prevent spills and protects contents of bucket, easy-to-remove fill plug allows for refilling without removing the entire lid.

30" Standard Spray Gun For ATV Sprayers

Adjustable from cone spray to straight stream.

32 Ounce Havahart Deer Off Animal Repellent

Proven to repel deer, rabbits and squirrels. Repels up to 90 days. Dual action: repels by smell and taste. Dries odorless to humans. Protects up to 500 sq. ft. 32 oz.

32 Oz. Nature's Force Fly Spray

Ready to use. For use on ponies, horses, dogs and as a premise spray. Lasts up to 14 days.

32 Oz. Pro-Force® Fly Spray

Ready to use. For use on ponies, horses, dogs and as a premise spray. Lasts up to 14 days.

33" Compact Pull Type Disk

1" square tube frame, carbon steel axles. 14' notched disc blades. Pulled using a 1-7/8" ball.

3300 Remco Proflo Series Ultra Pump

Demand pump. 3 chamber diaphragm pump, self priming, capable of being run dry. 12V. 2GPM. 3/8".

4 Pack Grandpa Gus's Mouse Repellent Pouches

Specially formulated for mouse olfactory (nasal) system. Not intended for rats or squirrels.

4 Pk. Large Mouse Glue Traps

Non-toxic, ready to use glue boards come pre-baited with attractant and have superior holding power that is effective in a wide range of temperatures. Safe to use where baits are not recommended.

4 Pk. Rodent Smoke Bomb

For use on outdoor, non-crop areas. Not for use in or near structures.

4 Pk. Victor Easy Set Mouse Trap Pre Baited

Consistent quality from a century-old brand. Original wooden base wire snap trap with scented, cheese pedal. Uses wood from Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified forests. Pre-baited. 4 pk.

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!

4" Assorted Coflex Vet Wrap

Choose from Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Neon Green, Neon Pink and more!