End of Year Storage Solutions

January may be the start of a fresh new year, but it is also the end of the holiday season. Many of us find that what once fit in our totes the year before have surprisingly become unable to do so this time. It could be the totes got smaller; or maybe we bought more stuff throughout the season and the year-end deals. Either way we now find ourselves needing more storage.

What to Store:
Most totes are stackable when full and nestable when empty, which makes them a great choose to store in attics, basements and garages.

• Clothing - Store out of season attire or stuff that might fit again... someday.
• Small Accessories - Scarves, gloves and hats to cables, wires, toys and surge protectors.
• Sports Items - Balls, bats, yard games and other accessories.
• Files - Important household files, receipts, bills and personal records.
• Holiday Decor - Lights, bows, wrapping paper, ornaments, ribbons, tags. You get the idea.
• Craft Supplies - Papers, crafting material, school and desk supplies.
• Bulky Items - Comforters, coats, sweaters, bedding, towels and more.

Rural King Supply has the means to solve all of your storage wars strife, so stop over and let the bidding begin... wait, that might be something else.